- Psit, Mr. Fried. Why won't you ask someone in St. Department to translate this for you?
In "Macedonian language" of course - though as you said, they teach this language there!
- Comic strip by Gary Larson (copyright 1993 FarWorks, Inc. and Distrubuted by Creators Syndicate).
- Published in comics magazine "9" and "Eleftherotypia" newspaper, March 26, 2008.
- Found in a pile of old newspapers that -as proved, I had done well not to recycle yet.
I'm back you motherfathers. New post will follow ASAP.
Mr. fried, don't go away. I got more comin' up for you. From CNN this time.
Το ΄ξερα μωρή τρελή οτι δε θα άντεχες να αφήσεις το φιλοθεάμων κοινό σου χωρίς την παρουσία σου!!!
Εσύ είσαι χαμενιοκόρμιε; Τον Ντάνιελ Φριντ περίμενα.
Κου κου, τσα μας έκανες;
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